Friday, December 11, 2015

12 Reasons That SERGEANT TO CEO Should Be a Bestseller in 2016 (And How You Can Write One, Too)

For 8 months now I've been working with a book that strangely embodies the 12 attributes that $32 million-dollar author, Roger C. Parker, says is intrinsic to every meaningful non-fiction book. Sergeant to CEO: A Foster Kid's Lessons in Family, Fidelity, and Financial Success is authored by Sean P. Jensen, former USMC and Founder/Owner at Polu Kai Services, LLC. His book launches a FREE Kindle promotional today (December 11-15, 2015).

Advertising and buying psychology has morphed this last decade -- especially with the tools afforded us by online analytics -- it's at least possible to identify books that are in the running for making the notoriety lists. Using Parker's list of factors, I've listed the 12 reasons that Sergeant to CEO should be a best-seller in 2016:

1. It Focuses on Change.

Sergeant to CEO is the transformative story about the author's abandonment as the eldest of 3 children to the Florida foster care system. But it doesn't end there. Sean describes the positive changes that occured when his adopted parents came on the scene (especially his ability to initiate friendship and business). But it doesn't stop there. Sean describes his time in the USMC and how key figures in his life helped shape him into an industrious and responsible man. But it doesn't stop there. Sean describes leaving the structure of the Marines for the shaky civilian workforce. But it doesn't stop there. You get the point: Sergeant to CEO is about coping with change.

2. It Targets Readers

Sergeant to CEO wasn't written for everyone. It was written for struggling military veterans who are transitioning into the civilian workforce. It was written for the families and organizations that support them. It is for those who want to thrive despite the odds.

3. It's Action-oriented

Sergeant to CEO isn't simply a personal history. It's a book designed to light the fire under anyone who finds themselves in a tight spot and wishes to take responsibility for their destiny. It's written to encourage the high school graduate to continue pursuing their dreams (High School Dropout to CEO). It's for the housewife who might find herself buried under housework and childcare but who wants to better herself (Housewife to CEO). It's written for the inmate who "messed up" and wants to start a new life (Inmate to CEO). It's about getting off the couch and putting feet to our dreams!

4. It Invites Participation

Sergeant to CEO is about finding what you have inside you, pulling it out, and making it work for you. That's the way Sean has chosen to market this book: through the grassroots efforts of people. Go to his facebook page here & join the conversation! Better yet, go buy the book on Amazon here!

5. It "Chunks' Information

Have you ever been in the military? Have you ever run your own business? Sergeant to CEO doesn't just tell stories: it explains the difficulty of relationships, the complications of military life, the stresses of finding work, the hardships of a problematic economy (and sometimes in detail). You are sure to learn more about negotiating government contracts and spotting shady business partners than you expect.

6. It Uses Story-telling

Being a Native-Hawaiian, oral tradition flows through Sean's veins. He is the consummate storyteller, using deliberately vivid language to describe events as well as abstractions. A unique feature of Sergeant to CEO is that every chapter is full of engaging stories. That's what makes this book an emotionally-invigorating read!

7. Its Titles Are Descriptive

Sergeant to CEO uses the nautical imagery of the USMC and of Sean's Native Hawaii. With titles like "Setting Out on Rough Seas", "Storm Salvage", "Familiar Shores", "The Calm Before the Storm", and "Down to the Waterline", you get briefed on the emotional nature of the chapter before you even begin it. That's some great writing!

8. It's Written by a Non-writer

One of Sean's five-year goals was to write a book. He wasn't quite certain how to go about it & so initially linked up with Mark Baird of to help him tell his story. From there, I met Sean and have helped to round the book off and to determine the best way to get it to the public. Because Sean is not a writer, he has focused almost exclusively on getting his message out which is what makes this book so compelling.

9. It Was Written with a Purpose in Mind

Go here to find out Sean's purpose in writing his book. Sergeant to CEO is the outgrowth of hundreds of conversations Sean has had throughout the years. Each conversation has had a similar outcome ("You should write your story down...").

10. It's in Multiple Formats

Sergeant to CEO can be purchased through Amazon here in paperback and Kindle. Don't worry if you don't have a Kindle, because Amazon converts it into 8 other online e-readers (including Android and Iphone options). Additionally, if you want to ask Sean a question about his book, you can always contact him here. He will respond.

11. It Utilizes Continuous Marketing
Would you believe that this is the one of several "launches" of Sergeant to CEO? And so it is with each new audience: communicating in a way that each can understand. And so one launch can't be enough!

12. Its Longevity

Only time will tell. Sergeant to CEO has been around for 2 years, quietly percolating into its current formats. Before that, Sergeant to CEO was developed during the stormy years of Sean's company Polu Kai Services, LLC. It's likely that this launch will result in Sean doing some traveling and speaking. Only time will tell! (Listen to one of his interviews here).

So there you have it. If you want to be in the running for a decorated book, make sure that your book includes these 12 attributes. If that's too conceptual, then simply get Sean's book, Sergeant to CEO, here and read it to get a better understanding. Believe me, you won't be disappointed!

Sergeant to CEO is FREE on Kindle from December 11-15, 2015.

Robbie Grayson
TraitMarker & Traitmarker Books

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Self-deception sometimes can be indistinguishable from sincerity. If you are (or were ever) like me, you can trick yourself into thinking that you want something you REALLY don’t want. Has this ever happened to you before?

-you REALLY want to pay off debt, but you can’t

-you REALLY want to get in shape, but you can’t

-you REALLY want to break off an unhealthy relationship, but you can’t

To top off the deception, you might even find yourself…

-praying every day for God to HELP you

-reading books on the subject

-repeating positive affirmations each day

These are all very helpful things, but not if one thing is missing…


Above is a photo of my friend, Tim Chambers, known and loved by millions across the United States as THE SALUTING MARINE ( I’ve been writing Tim’s biography and have found tears filling my eyes on more than one occasion. Tim was a Marine before he became a United States Marine:

-As young as 8-years-old, he was the father-figure for his platoon of 5 siblings: feeding, them, entertaining them, putting them to bed, getting them to school and back

- At 9 he took on his mother’s abusive boyfriend, smashing the teeth out of his head

-He inspired his high school football team & marching band to make state after an embarrassing losing streak that had lasted more than a decade

-He was named the most physically fit in basic training even though he had pneumonia and had to be held back for two weeks

And on the morning of September 11, 2001, Tim was walking up the hill from the Pentagon to meet his First Sgt. when a plane flew low over his head and crashed into the Pentagon. They ordered Tim home.

But Tim wouldn’t go. Exasperated, the Pentagon let Tim stay, and he carried bodies out of the wreckage for 3 days before going home.

Many people will read Tim’s biography and say “Yes, that’s what I want to be” but not find the faith or mindset or actual strength to follow through. You see, Tim couldn’t go, because he had spent his entire life being a Marine.

What’s really happening deep inside each of us when we set goals that we break is that we have predetermined HOW LONG WE THINK it will take for us to complete our transformations, and our psyches determine the MINIMUM EFFORT it believes is required for each phase along the way. Which means that we are NEVER in a present-moment frame of mind to be 100% committed to...

-believe in the utmost importance of our cause

-reframe our thoughts to support our cause

-cease and desist all negative behavior we are seeking to change

Here’s a great way to get started…

Click the link below to take TRAITMARKER's Finding Your Hidden Strength TODAY:

For more inspiration, like me at: 

Monday, May 12, 2014


Throughout my non-clinical counseling career, it’s been my experience that most people live with the brakes on. While THEY know what THEY want to do, they don’t want to…

-appear to be a know-it-all
-appear to be proud
-appear to be overconfident

But let’s be honest: appearing to be these sorts of things is something most of us were institutionally taught to avoid as children. We were taught the supremacy of SHARING which often meant that we were to…

-appear to be ignorant (when inside we knew we were right)
-appear to be humble (when inside we were frustrated that our genius wasn’t discovered)
-appear to be naïve (when inside we were very sure)
Here’s a picture of my wife and me this past week on our 17th wedding anniversary. Several months ago, we decided to bring our lives to a screeching stop while we made important decisions we had been suppressing for years out of deference to certain people and certain communities. After literally HUNDREDS OF CONVERSATIONS these past five months, we were able to identify critical junctures throughout the last few years of marriage when we deferred to appearances or the whims of other people.

Not anymore. And we aren’t being ugly.

In the end it is each of us who are responsible for our lives. That means taking ownership over…

-the strengths we possess that others might find to be insignificant
-the appearances we orchestrate to please other people
-the vulnerabilities we are taught to cloak

Sharing, of course, is good… if the thing that you share REALLY belongs to you and is NEEDED by others. Sharing what you believe others want you to share hampers authentic growth and happiness. So stop blaming other people, and live YOUR life, please.

Do you want to know what you really have to offer?

Click the link below to take TRAITMARKER's Finding Your Hidden Strength TODAY:

For more inspiration, like me at: